Monday, July 15, 2024

We made it to Maine!

We are on a mooring at Biddeford Pool, Maine. We arrived yesterday, after a beautiful day on the ocean from Newburyport, MA (one of our favorite stops to date). On the way we saw whales, seals and a big fish! We are off to the islands off Portland for a few days, and are getting excited about our upcoming visits with Claiborne and then Stan, and their families.  Here are some pics from the last week.  

From Salem.  Recognize the lady? 
Salem has embraced its tragic past, and created a "witch" city, complete with an entire street full of witch attire, etc.  I am told it is crazier than Bourbon Street on Halloween!   This was my favorite..

Did not know this. 

Newburyport claims to be the birthplace of the US Navy. 

The above two pics document early duck hunting in Newburyport.  Sounds familiar.  

Biddeford Pool.  
Houses on this island are briefly connected to the mainland during low tide.  
Juvenile Eiders?  

We did not get any whale pictures, but this is a pic of a 6-8 ft. fish, I think some kind of shark.  Can anyone identify it from this admittedly poor pic?  

We postponed our departure from Newburyport as weather blew in.  

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