Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mile 0 AICW, again, and back in the lovely ditch.....

We are docked at Portsmouth, VA at the head of the Atlantic ICW.  Tomorrow we head south in the AICW (not my favorite waterway) and head toward Myrtle Beach, SC. It should take us about a week to Myrtle Beach, as long as there are not any unscheduled lock or bridge closings, the Marines are not live firing at Camp Lejeune or we run aground, again....  We have to run the same gauntlet of problems we had on the way up, so fingers crossed! 

We will leave the boat at the shipyard in Myrtle Beach for repairs, and head home for a couple of weeks.  On our return we travel to Sarasota, where Perfect Fit will be put on the market.  

Yet another storm (the one that hit the Carolinas a few days ago) kept us in port a few extra days, but we hit the jackpot with the town of St. Michaels, Maryland.  A great stop with a plethora of shops, pubs, restaurants and a spa within walking distance. It also hosts the Chesapeake Maritime Museum, which was quite interesting.  This will (probably) be my last post, as we wrap up this grand adventure of ours.  Thanks for staying tuned!  

The Museum.  
This is a replica of a punt boat, which is a floating duck blind used by hunters in the old days to provide ducks for restaurants.  It has almost no freeboard, and is level with the water so ducks don't see it.  The hunter would use an old style punt gun (a small cannon) and hunt ducks out on the bay.  These were ultimately outlawed in later years. 
They call these bay skiffs, but I call them pirogues!  
Bill and I used to hunt rails (marsh hens) at my dads camp.  
These pics are from Cape May, NJ.  A great town which is an obvious vacation spot for the Northeast.  Think Destin, but better walkability.  

Mallards were everywhere in St Michaels.  They even blocked our dock! 

This is an exhibit at the Maritime Museum.  It is an old wooden Owens cabin cruiser.  My Uncle TT had one when I was young.  Dickie Barker was onboard it when it sank, a story I never fully heard!!  


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