Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Our first stop on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake, is Onancock, VA.  The peninsula that makes up the eastern shore is known as Delmarva, as it includes the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. The eastern shore is, in general, more rural than the western shore which boast cites such as Annapolis and Baltimore.   Onancock is a small town, and its history as a chartered town begins in 1680.  Before then it was a farming community, and before then used seasonally by Native Americans, as Onancock Creek is navigable all the way to town.  

Now it is a quaint town that boasts a surprisingly diverse dining scene, with arts and craft shops, and the occasional mystic.  Local crabbers run traps out of here, and, just like home, you have to be vigilant running the gauntlet of floats on the way in.  The small marina is completely protected at the end of the creek and happens to be a looper sponsor to boot.  We have spent a pleasant two full days here, and walked nature trails, seen a variety of birds, local flora, and rabbits.  Also we took in a little too much of the dining scene, as usual..  The town has become a destination for retirees, and we can definitely see the appeal.  It is clean, with a vibrant diverse culture, and town fathers that concentrate on keeping it that way.  A quick look at the real estate prices indicate it is much cheaper to settle here than Florida.  Something for us to think about??

The marina.  Perfect Fit is in the background, facing the Mallard Restaurant, where we we had a great Rockfish meal. 

A typical house.
Onancock Creek. 

Cypress knees on the nature trail. 

I did not know about frisbee golf! 

Leaving Norfolk, we ran past these ships at anchor waiting in a queue to head into port. The Bay is a major source of shipping. 
A perfect day on the Chesapeake Bay. 
Part of the US Sixth Fleet.  

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