Monday, June 10, 2024

Things that go bump in the night

 A 40' Tiara sportfishing boat, with a slightly disoriented captain, that's what goes bump in the night! You got that right, we were rammed whilst safely (a relative term) tied up at Crisfield's Somers Cove Marina.  Around 10:00 pm we heard yelling, and then a loud bang on the aft portside of the boat.  I hurried out to see the offending boat headed off in the darkness in this rather large marina.  I called the Coast Guard which happened to have a station in the marina, only to be informed that unless we were spilling fuel, that is not the sort of thing they handle anymore, but, somewhat, more helpfully, gave me a number for the Maryland Maritime Police.  They were much more helpful and sent two officers to the scene of the crime.  

By the time the officers arrived, the marina owner, witnesses on the dock, and the security guard from the marina had arrived in a true show of force.  Into that scene walked the slightly disoriented captain, who was genuinely chagrined.  Apparently, he has a permanent slip at the marina and while trying to access it, somehow managed to back into Perfect Fit.  His throttle cables went out-right...  Anyways, the police did their thing and the slightly disoriented captain gave me his insurance info, and all was well, except for the hole in my boat.  At this point it was midnight, and Alexis was on meds (to prevent her from attacking the slightly disoriented captain).  Alas, you may think Perfect Fit is my baby, but Alexis is its mother hen, who has decorated it, chosen the paint color and all round made it into our home on the water.  In her mind this was an a out right assault on her baby.  Lets just say if a taser was going to be used, it would not have been on the slightly disoriented captain.  So we went to bed after midnight in the hopes dawn would bring a fresher outlook.  It did, Papa lives...  Two words-duct tape..

This is Somers Cove Marina.  Prefect Fit is in the background, so as you can see, large fairways, and plenty of room to avoid hitting an unsuspecting boat. 

The new hole.  


Yep, we taped over the hole and set sail to Cambridge Maryland the next morning.  The tape held! We will put on a better patch, but not take the time to haul out, again, to have this fixed properly now.  Papa would be so proud! On our way back down this fall we will probably have our friends at Myrtle Beach fix it properly.  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mrs. Bligh on containing yourself. :) I don't know that this Bligh could have done so well.
