Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Hurricane Debby, Penobscot Bay, Acadia National Park and a cool summer!

Much to the irritation of my south Louisiana friends, the temperature here has been in the low 60s at night and high 70s during the day.  Absolutely fabulous!  We did have a brush with the remnants of Hurricane Debby, but only for a day and night.  Otherwise the weather has been great, and we have travelled much of Penobscot Bay with Cameron and her friend, Katie.  They leave us today, and we will head to Belfast and catch up with my cousin, Joel, who moved to Maine from Maui (quite a change in scenery).  As blueberries are the state fruit here we have sampled all things blueberry.  Blueberry pancakes, pies, cinnamon rolls, muffins, doughnuts, lemonade and vodka. Alexis and I can't eat out for the rest of the trip.....

Here are some pics:

We rode out Debby at a marina in Rockland.  The winds hit 40 knots, but we were well protected.  
There are parks everywhere here, and memorials to the many seaman who lost their lives at sea.  This is one for the El Faro.  
From the Lighthouse Museum in Rockland.  
The museum had a section on the many Coast Guard boats stationed here.  This is a Bollinger boat built in Lockport, LA.
Katie and Cameron. 
We drove to Bar Harbor for the day, and went through the Acadia National Park mountains.  Stunning! 
A resort at Bar Harbor.  Bar Harbor is a beautiful town, but lots of tourists and cruise ship passengers. 

The accents up here are as pronounced as at home.  Note BAA-HAA-BAA is how to pronounce Bar Harbor. 
Scenes from Acadia Park. 

We anchored for a night next to Warren Island State Park.  We went for a brief swim in this shallow cove as the water was a balmy 70 degrees. 
The park (accessible by boat only) had miles of trails. 

Christmas trees everywhere. 
It is a rock island covered in trees.  Note the roots grow over the rock. 
We will miss the girls.  They have been delightful.  

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