Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Making up for lost time. Or, fleeing from the Marines....

We have been running 10-hour days to make up for lost time and are now back on schedule to enter Chesapeake Bay by early June.  We are presently anchored across from Moorhead City, NC.  The marinas were full due to a fishing tournament, so we are at anchor.  No matter because we have one more long day tomorrow to arrive at Belhaven, NC, where we have reservations for two nights, and will rest up.    

Fortunately, we caught a good weather window and have been able to run in the Atlantic the past two days, avoiding the madding ICW.  The ICW on the east coast is shallow and has many no wake zones that have popped up around the mansions people have built on the banks.  It seems that people everywhere want to live on the water and have the funds to do it!

Yesterday, we went into the Atlantic after Myrtle Beach, and came into the Cape Fear River, at Southport, NC. Today, we left the ICW at Wrightsville Beach into the Atlantic, and came to the Beaufort River Inlet, avoiding closures on the ICW that runs through Camp Lejeune, the Marine Corps base.  During live fire exercises, the ICW shuts down for obvious reasons.  Also, the Onslow Bridge over the ICW on this stretch is being replaced, causing intermittent shutdowns.  So, it was a good day to skip all that and run unimpeded (almost, see below!) in the Atlantic. 

Due to the Cape Lookout shoals, today was the last time we can take the Atlantic until we hit Cape May, NY, after traversing Chesapeake Bay.  So, we will be in the ICW until Norfolk VA, mile 0 and the end (or beginning) of the ICW here on the east coast.  Below are some pics of the last few days.  They loaded backwards-today first.  I am too slow to figure out how to reverse them-I need my grandson, Luke, to do it....

A calm day in the Atlantic today. 

Alexis usually drives.  I dock and generally do what I am told...
Offshore from Camp Lejeune we spotted this aircraft carrier.  It was on a Marine Corps training mission, and we watched hovercraft disgorge from the rear of the carrier, run around, and then pop back inside.  

 We got a little too close for comfort, and the carrier contacted us and told us to move on, as there is a two mile safety zone around warships.  Shortly after that we were buzzed by three large drones from the carrier.  Can you spot them in the above two pics?  I imaged some 19 year old looking at me down the missile sight of the drone.  We left the area post haste!  

Southport is a lovely city, and exudes southern charm. 

Something about this pub appealed to me.  Can't quite put my finger on it....

The above three pics are from Southport.  

Typical home on the ICW!

The above two pics are from a marina in Myrtle Beach.  Notice the Ruth Chris Steakhouse right next to the boat?  Naturally we went in..

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