Monday, May 13, 2024

Savannah and Beaufort

We have had a great time with Walter and Trish exploring Savannah, GA and Beaufort, SC.  Both cities have rich history dating back to before the Revolutionary War.  We are underway to Charleston to visit Scott and Gayle.  Here are some pics. 

Underway at dawn on the Beaufort River.  Overtaking the sailboat Forever on the two whistle.  


We took trolley tours in each city and learned history. 

Beaufort has a magnificent waterfront, and a history lesson to boot. Note-click on any pic to enlarge it to read.  

Note the sign over my shoulder-priceless! 

The above eight pics are all from Beaufort, where the force is strong....

Savannah-the city of squares.  

We found Walter's deceased grandparent's house in Savannah.  He visited here as a small boy.

Incredibly, we found his grandparents resting place in a huge cemetery in Savannah.  
Isle of Hope Marina in Savannah.  Note because of the 10' tides, it does not have a boat launch, but rather a lift to take the boats off their trailers and put them in the water.  

Isle of Hope area. 

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